Thursday, July 26, 2012

Nittany Lion Nation, WE ARE!!!!! Addicted to Denial

Many people this week have asked my opinion of the press conference on Monday concerning Happy Valley.  My first response this week to the sanctions handed down from the NCAA to the Penn State football program was WOW!  I was initially thinking that it was a firm and appropriate action to take.  I did think that it was on par with what the public might expect.  But it was far beyond what some Penn State faithful thought should be done by the NCAA.  As I was watching some of the individuals interviewed in the days following that fateful press conference on Monday, it occurred to me that the NCAA probably didn't go far enough.  By the time the Paterno family had issued their statement condemning the sanctions, characterizing them as 'knee-jerk', I had come to the conclusion that these people at Penn State just don't get it.  They are addicted to denial.  And they don't want to accept that the power of the leaders come from the public.  They are still holding onto that glass of cool-aid, all the while chanting WE ARE!!!

It is very simple, there are many ways to arrive at the top.  But to stay there?  The list is a lot shorter.  One of those ways for the PSU Nittany Lion nation, was to live in denial that their leaders could never do something like allow a child molester to operate unabated among themselves.  The Freeh report was much more comprehensive than any investigation would have been by the NCAA.  And what fool would, at this time, would trust any PSU insider to conduct any type of investigation.  They had their chance, but yet, they want to claim foul by the public at large, by not affording due process before making judgments.

Sometimes it's best to just shut up and take what you got coming.  The current administration has done that.  But, it's about time the PSU addicts (including some trustees) come to grips with their current situation and realize that you could have been given the fines AND the 'death penality', so just accept a new chant for the next few years,  WE WE'RE!  That should curb the addiction.

1 comment:

  1. Well said Don! I, for one, couldn't agree with you more. The whole Penn State situation is heart-wrenching and beyond disgusting. The penalties pale in comparison to the irreparable damage and cruelty inflicted on the victims and their families. They will forever be in my thoughts and prayers.
