Sunday, July 15, 2012

Blessed or Lucky?

Blessed or lucky???

Have you ever considered how you ended up where you are?  I mean, not just literally where you are, but the situation you are in at this time and all the tiny degrees of separation from bad events and otherwise that effected the journey.  Maybe you are reading this and thinking, 'well, my life isn't so great', but if you're reading this, you more than likely have the means to access technology, which is way further up the luxury chain than eating. According to WHO, the World Health Organization, over a billion people will go to sleep tonight hungry.  So there, it could be worse. 

But back to my original thought, just how did we or rather you get where you are?  And the bigger question is why.  Authors and thinkers way smarter than me have not been able to do this subject justice or even get close using the latest scientific or intellectual genius to solving the mystery.  But as I was with my new adopted pet today, Sofie, I was juxtaposing her arrival at the Langston's Sanctuary for Strays, to my own good fortune. 

Sofie, was standing on my front porch some 2 weeks ago starving and showing signs of abandonment after recently bearing a litter of pups, of which I didn't see any sign of near our home.  At first, I clapped my hands and shooed her off the porch, already having adopted 3 strays, I wasn't looking to add to the pack!  But as she lumbered off the porch and down the driveway, I couldn't turn away from a being that was in obvious pain and suffering, hoping beyond hope that someone or something would give it the ability to sustain another day in this world.  I watched for a few seconds and immediately went to the back porch and got the dog bowl and tried to approach the dog, who was with another neighborhood stray, and give it some food, thinking that maybe it was just lost and needed some food and would make it back home, wherever that was. 

At that moment, just as I approached Sofie, she was scared and hastily walking away from me, on the wrong side of the highway going up a hill with an oncoming dump truck.  I watched in agony thinking that I was about to witness the death of a couple of dogs right before my eyes, and the terrible feeling that I was causing this by calling to the dog, being confused from my actions on the front porch.  After the truck slowed to a crawl, which really made the situation worse, you see, the longer he stayed on the blind side of the hill, the more likely he would meet an oncoming automobile who wouldn't even have the room to swerve to miss the animals, even with the remote chance it would see them. Thankfully, both dogs made the top of the hill and the truck passed without incident. 

This was an unlikely event, weekly there is a dead animal in that proximity on the highway.  I took it as a positive karma type of thing for the dog.  I could totally relate to this event, in a much bigger way than the average person.  You see, when I was six months old, I suffered a gunshot wound to the head, with the bullet entering above my left temple and exiting above my right ear.  This early accident, (a local teen playing with a .22 cal. handgun) impacted my life more and more as I grew older.  I really shouldn't be here!  It never seems redundant to me to literally thank God for another day, every day.  So no matter how you arrived right here, right now, today, you have to wonder, blessed or lucky.  I choose to believe blessed.  There are too many things that can't be explained except by the hand of God.  And Sofie adds one more thing to that infinite list.

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